Monday, February 15, 2010

Its Growing On Me

A few months ago I a decided that I wanted a change in my life. Partly out of frustration and partly out of stress, I thought the best angle was to chop all of my hair off. Okay, so the beautician convinced me to stop at my shoulders but I still cut a good 9 inches off.

When I left the salon I felt satisfied and accomplished. I enjoyed the feeling of my ghost hair and avoided looking at myself in the mirror. However it wasn't until my brother told me that I looked like Anne Frank that I felt the real weight of what I had done

hair vs. hair

Despite the constant assurances from friends and friendly acquaintances, I began to doubt my new hair cut. While my friends said that it totally fit me, in my eyes I began to morph into a subhuman form that was ruled by the mop of hair I wore on my head. I tried different techniques to grow it out, pulling on the ends, extra conditioner, but alas my hair did not want to gain inches over night.

As I am slowly growing it back out I am liking my new "do" more and more. For the slightest moment I have considered cutting it to my chin. I go through stages where I hate it and love it but most of the time it is the former. Lesson learned.

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